
Sunday, 29 May 2011

All you need is Love by Carole Matthews

I have found myself reading a lot of books by Carole Matthews recently. I find them all easy reads which is the kind of book I like to read in between more in depth books. All You Need is Love was calling me from the shelf in Asda with a bright red £1 sticker! Now please tell me how could I walk over such a great authors book as new for £1? That is how I come to lay my hands on All you Need Is Love!


The story revolves around main character Sally Freeman who lives on a run down council estate in Liverpool. Sally is a young single mum who is determined to make a better life for both her and her son Charlie and to do this she thinks she needs two things number one to get off of the estate and two is to find a man to help her with this. Sally decides to join on a computer course in order to improve her skills. It is on this course that she meets the man she thinks is perfect to changing her life around as he can offer her the world. But how will the man in question, Spencer Knight, feel about having to give her son Charlie the world too?
Will Charlie be able to except the new man in his mother's life or will is hopes of his mum and her ex Johhny get in the way of a happy ending all around?

My Opinion

I felt the relationship between each of the characters in this book flowed together nicely which truly helped to make the book enjoyable. There were parts of the book which were a little farfetched but I do not think this ruined the book in anyway. The main character Sally, took me on twists and turns of my opinion of her throughout the book and even now I have finished the book I am still unsure if I did truly like her!! I found at the beginning of the book, roughly 4-5 chapters, I really started to warm to her character as she came across as some kind of superwoman helping the ladies in her community and trying to better herself. I then found my opinion of her starting to change when she starts to date Spencer and I actually started to dislike the character very much and preferred to read about her son and her ex partner while her character took this change, which I found happened often in the book.

I did enjoy this book although I did find it a little frustrating not being able to enjoy the main character. I cannot say that this is one of Carole Matthews best books I have read but even still I still feel it is worth giving it a go just do not have to high expectations of the book. For a £1 I think I got my monies worth! I would be a little disappointed paying full price for this book.

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