
Sunday, 19 June 2011

My letterbox

Look what has arrived in my letterbox for me to review. A big thanks to the publishers xx.

I have just finished The Beach Cafe which I really enjoyed. I have now got to decide what I am going to read and review next so I thought you could all help me out!!

Love Always By Harriet Evans
Idol by Carrie Duffy
Priceless by Nicole Richie

or on e-reader
Confessions of a Call Center Gal by Lisa Lim
Just Call Me Angel series - Book One - TETTERBAUM'S TRUTH by S.R.Claridge

What is it to be fellow book worms!!!


  1. We have a vote for Idol Over on twitter

  2. They all look great.
    I would have to close my eyes and point to one. :)

    Sorry no help, I know.


  3. I know what you mean Carol!! I am swaying to either Idol as it is her first novel or the Harriet Evans before that is released and I hear to much about it!!!

  4. These look good! Hard to choose. I'm curious about the Nicole Ritchie book. Can she write? I guess you'll let me know when you get to it. Happy reading!

  5. These all look great!

    I'll look forward to hearing what you think x

  6. Ive read Love Always and Priceless :) Idol looks like a good read , New Follower

  7. thankyou all for your comments and welcome to Phantom Paragrapher. I decided to go for Idol I started reading it last night and when I looked up at the clock it was 2am!!! It is a great read so far I have read 158 of the 389 pages so the review will be up this week!!!xx

  8. Haha, Even I would suggest the Nicole Ritchie book. More than whats in it, I think the fact whether she can actually write or not is more intriguing! Oh well, another ghost writer bites the dust!

    Scribblers Inc.

  9. Ooooh...loving the cover of "Love Always", so that would be my vote! Happy reading, no matter what you choose!

  10. I went for Idol in the end and have already finished!!! review will be up this afternoon xx
