
Friday, 6 April 2012

The Break-Up Test by Rose McClelland


Meet Amy, Beth and Sarah. All intelligent women with one thing in common, bad taste in men!

Amy receives seductive texts from Gav and promptly skips round to his house for a mid-afternoon romp. She never planned it that way. Maybe one day he’ll actually fall in love with her?

Beth sits at her desk, her mobile phone propped up in front of her keyboard. Anytime soon it will light up like the Blackpool Illuminations, and Karl will finally get in touch about that drink. It’s been five days!

Sarah is seeing Stephen, trying to believe his claim that although he shares a bed with his ex, Kat, they aren’t sleeping together. She can’t believe it’s turned into one of THOSE stories you read about in women’s weeklies.

Then Jamie comes along with his Break-Up Test and turns their lives upside down.
Will Gav, Karl and Stephen suddenly sniff the competition and clean up their acts?
And what exactly is in it for Jamie?

My Opinion.
When I was approached to read The Break-Up Test by Rose McClelland I couldn’t wait to get started on this book after reading the synopsis.

I think the format of this book worked well for the storyline. At the beginning of the book we meet each of the girls in turn so we get to know them on a more personal level rather than through each other’s eyes. Each of the girls are clearly having trouble in their love lives but each of the characters had their own individual characteristics which made their part in the story differ from the next character.

I think it was very clever of the author to also have a guys view of a troubled love life to which I thought gave a great edge to the book and the fact that she had four main characters and managed to give depth to each of the characters is something that I have not often found in books. Usually if there are more than two main characters to focus on the characters are not usually developed very well. I do think that the friendship between the girls could have been shown a little more as usually if you were to find yourself in a troubled relationship it is your girlfriends you would usually turn to but there wasn’t much involvement between the girls, but with this being a debut book I think this is something I will look for in her future books.

I liked the fact that you never quite knew where the girls love lives were going to take them next, I kept wondering if they were going to split and find Mr Right or if their current love interest was going to change their ways and I feel it was this that made this book true page turner to me! ( I did read it in 3 hours so I think that qualifies as a page turner!)

This book is well worth a read and I think Rose McClelland is going to be an author to watch out for in the future.



  1. Hi is this book available as a paperback in england

  2. At the moment it is only available on kindle when it becomes available on paperback I will let you know.xXx
