
Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Ten Years On by Alice Peterson

I loved Alice Peterson’s previous novel Monday to Friday Man and I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of her new novel Ten Years On which I was hoping was going to be just as good.

Ten Years On centres around the two characters Rebecca and Joe. Rebecca is an instantly loveable and warm character who you just feel the need to wrap her up in bubble wrap and look after her! 

When we first meet Joe he is definitely a ladies man but as the book progresses I found that each time Joe is around I was getting a little hot under the collar (as were most of the characters in the book!) It has been ten years since they last had contact but now Rebecca’s circumstances change and she finds herself running back to her childhood home while she recovers, the last thing she expected was for Joe to still be in the same village. They are forced to confront their past which caused them to lose contact but will they be able to move on and start a new chapter?

I am sure any of you who read Monday to Friday Man had a tear in your eye by the end of that book, well I think you will have a tear at the beginning, middle and end of Ten Years On! I have not had a real weepy book since Me Before You but the old lump in the throat definitely occurs in this book but although it is an emotional read, I didn’t find it really low and depressing. I was gripped from the start of this book and I think it is because it is such a touching and easy read which flowed at a great pace all the way through meaning I couldn’t put it down hence the reason I finished it in one sitting!

The story alternates at times back when Rebecca and Joe first knew each other and then back again to 10 years later when they re-meet. I loved this as it gave the characters more depth and gave us more insight into the relationship between the two characters. We don’t find out until a little further on as to why Rebecca and Joe lost contact but I did have an inkling as to why this could have been but this didn’t ruin the storyline or the enjoyment of the book.

It was quite clear that a little research had been done for this book as there were some very interesting references and tips when it came to wine tasting so I am assuming that the author had quite an interesting time doing research for this book!

This is a definite for all of your to be read piles a little weepy and a lot of hope this one will be pulling at your heart strings. I will definitely be reading more work in the future by Alice Peterson.

Paperback               Kindle

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