Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Goodbye for Now by Laurie Frankel

A world in which you can talk to your loved ones after they've gone 
About the trivial things you used to share 
About the things you wish you'd said while you still had the chance
About how hard it is to adjust to life without them. 

When Sam Elling invents a computer programme that enables his girlfriend Meredith to do just this, nothing can prepare them for the success and the complications that follow. For every person who wants to say goodbye, there is someone else who can't let go. And when tragedy strikes, they have to find out whether goodbye has to be for ever. Or whether love can take on a life of its own... 

When I was sent Goodbye for Now to review I had mixed emotions after reading the synopsis and this is why I have copied the synopsis from the book for this review instead of writing my own plot summery. The first part really appealed to me as it was something I could relate to as I am sure most of you can, that heartbreaking point of losing a loved one and trying to carry on with life without them.
The second part of the synopsis had me a little worried and yet intrigued as Sam Elling manages to invent a computer programme which enables us to still communicate with our loved ones.

I am not great with computers and it is not a great interest of mine and so I was a little hesitant to read this book as it has taken such a delicate subject and mixed it with technology, I was unsure if this was going to make for a great read.

There were some very emotional points in this book, understandably with the programme used to speak to loved ones who have passed.

The book flows at a gentle pace and really gets you thinking about the concept of the software as with the way technology is coming on leaps and bounds this could be something which occurs a few years down the line.

What makes this book a great read is not so much the characters as I didn't love or dislike any of them but the unique storyline as I have never come accross a similar storyline to this and so you are drawn to the storyline from start to finish.

Although the focus is communicating with the dead the book didn't feel morbid, there were sad and emotional moments but there was also a new romance which blossoms between Sam and Meredith which broke this up and brought some light to the book.

Laurie Frankel has managed to bring us a love story wrapped with heartache and grief in this unique read which I am sure will touch a lot of readers hearts. This is definitely a love or hate book lucky for me I loved it.

Paperback               Kindle

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