Friday, 15 February 2013

The Baby Diaries by Sam Binnie

A few weeks after Kiki and Thom return from honeymoon, Kiki finds there's a noticeable absence. An extremely serious noticeable absence of something, it turns out, Kiki now realises she was pretty glad about.

One pregnancy test later, Kiki's breaking the "good news" (Thom: Wow. We're so… Edwardian.) and rewriting all the plans she'd made before. With an ever-expanding waistline, her nightmare childhood "friend" Annie pregnant too, all the problem authors at Polka Dot Books she could (not) wish for and an army of NW London's Smug Mothers to deal with, these nine months might not be the nine months of blooming relaxation she'd been promised…

After reading The Wedding Diaries by Sam Binnie I was unsure about reading her next book The Baby Diaries. I loved her style of writing and the structure of the authors book is very different to other books but and this was a big BUT I am not maternal in any way! When people are cooing over babies I am squirming to get away and in books when there is “baby talk” it drives me round the twist …… Ok so do we now get that Rea + Babies= disaster!

I finished the book in two days! Kiki and Thom have returned home from their honeymoon and poor scatty Kiki has a niggling thought that she has forgotten something and it is during a conversation that the shock horror comes out that whoops Kiki maybe pregnant!

We follow Kiki’s diaries through her pregnancy and I am so happy to say that I actually enjoyed reading her entries. I can imagine if the time ever comes when I venture down that journey that I will be very similar to Kiki! Kiki is not a gushy pregnant mum she shows us all the real life day to day problems with cooking these babies from uncontrollable crying to morning sickness ( why do they call it this when it always lasts all day!)
This is a great light hearted read with a great sense of humour there will be times when you have a chuckle to yourself and at some points you will be cringing! I loved the relationship between Kiki and her friends and family especially her closeness to her sister you could really feel the connection between these two characters.

Unexpectedly I did enjoy this book more than the Wedding Diaries, but don’t worry if you haven’t read the first book as you will easily be able to pick up the story-line as the author often refers back to parts in the first book so this should keep you on track.

A fun, lighthearted read which will appeal to many. I am sure this book wont leave you feeling broody! 
If you have a kindle then get over and order this quick as it is only 99p!! ( at the time of this review, pease check price before you buy incase there is an increase)

Kindle                     Paperback

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