
Friday, 7 February 2014

The little bookworm comes out of her shell!

One thing I have always wanted to do was meet one of my favourite authors, but my lack of confidence has always meant I never went to any of the book launches. But last night this little book worm came out of her shell and attend the lovely Rowan Coleman's book launch for The Memory book. I loved The Memory Book and so I wanted to go but also my reason for geting into book reviewing was because of the lovely Rowan Coleman. Back when I read The Happy Home for Broken Hearts I did my first review of a book because I loved it so much and Rowan actually replied to my review and so I was determined that I was going to go to this lovely womans book launch and show my support and get the chance to actually meet her ( and squeeze her to bits !)

I wasn't a cool fan I am ashamed to say, I had to ask straight away if I could have a picture with the glam lady of the night!

Rowan also done a little reading of The Memory Book

As well as the lovely Rowan Coleman there were also some other lovely authors who I got to chat too, including the lovely Rebecca Chance who had me in hysterics and left me somewhat a little star struck! Funny the first thing on my mind was "bananas"  

I also met the adorable Ali Harris she was such a little darling and I could have spent the whole night chatting away to her.

I also met the lovely Cally Taylor who was so down to earth and I am so gutted I didn't get a picture with her but I am hoping there may be a chance in the future!

I also got to meet Lucy Robinson, Julie Cohen, Kate Harrison, Lulu Taylor who again were all lovely I just wish I had more time to have a good chat to them all!

As well as the amazing authors I also met some of the lovely publishing ladies who also kept the champagne flowing! Thank you to you all for the invite and for the night of my life!!

It was also a night to finally meet the lovely Amanda from One More Page and also Anne from Things through my letterbox, and Claire Frost from Fabulous Magazine.

I had such a wonderful evening meeting such wonderful people I am so glad I went and if you haven't got your copy of The Memory Book yet then grab a copy soon as it is one not to be missed.


  1. It was fabulous to meet you too - a great night x

  2. It was so lovely to meet you too. Next time we'll definitely take a photo! Rowan's launch was so much fun I didn't want to leave.

  3. It must have been so exciting! I can still remember the first time I met my favorite authors. I was totally gaga...and just star struck.

  4. Being a cool fan is overrated!

    Looks like you had a brilliant night.
