
Tuesday 16 August 2016

The Little Pieces of You and Me by Vanessa Greene

Best friends Isla and Sophie made each other a promise a long time ago: to never let life pass them by. Years later, Isla is in love, living abroad and fulfilling her dreams. But for Sophie, things haven't turned out the way she was expecting and she hasn't achieved any of the things she and Isla talked about.

And then, in one sudden moment, life irrevocably changes for both women. Isla and Sophie have hard decisions to make but above all else they must face up to the uncertainty that lies ahead.

It's only when they realise that this is easier together, two friends standing side by side, that each woman can embrace whatever the future holds for them.

The traditional tea cup covers that we have come to associate with Vanessa Greene’s novels are nowhere to be seen on the cover of her latest release The Little Pieces of You and Me but actually I love the new look it gets a bug thumbs up from me. I was just hoping the storyline would be as comforting as her previous books.

Best friends Isla and Sophie still have a strong bond even though their lives have taken them in different directions. When thoughts turn back to the to do lists they both made years ago Isla is eager to complete her list but in life you can’t always plan ahead as you don’t know what is around the corner.

This was a heartfelt plot with a strong believable friendship at the core. Isla and Sophie were such well-developed characters and the supportive and natural connection was felt through the pages. They are everything that true friends should be a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen when you’re not around and someone to encourage you and put a smile on your face when you are at a major low.

The girls individual lives and troubles are weaved perfectly together in this book and I loved both of their character equally. The author tackles some sensitive and challenging issues in this book but she delivers them with such detail and compassion. This is one of those books that really gets you thinking that life is too short and you should grab every opportunity that comes your way and enjoy every second. I didn’t find it a “Debbie downer” book I actually found it quite an uplifting and yet thought provoking read.

In true Vanessa Greene form the storyline is a comforting one with loveable characters and a sprinkling of romance too and yet the friendship is what shone through in this book. I read this book in one greedy swoop and I was not disappointed.

Paperback              Kindle

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