
Tuesday 9 August 2016

The Moment She Left by Susan Lewis

Today it is my stop on the blog tour for The Moment She Left.
Welcome to Rea Book Reviews Susan ....

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 
If you want to be a producer you'd better write.  I was working in TV drama and this was what I was told to get me out of the Controller's office!  I took him at his word and the rest, as they say, is history. 

If you had a superpower, what would it be? 
If I had a superpower I'd rescue all the children and animals being subjected to cruelty.    

What literary character is most like you?  
Definitely Emma from Jane Austen’s wonderful novel. 

If you were stranded on a desert island what song would you choose to listen to, which book would you take and what luxury item would you pack? 
That’s a hard one. Song choice would have to be Just My Imagination by the Temptations. Book choice… How to Survive on a Desert Island by anyone who’s been thoughtful enough to write such a useful guide. Luxury item: A double-ended stick with a toothbrush at one end and a knife at the other…I could give Bear Grylls a sure run for his money!  

The Moment She Left is out NOW!

Kesterly-on-Sea is full of secrets.
Some are darker than others; many are shameful. One is even deadly.  Andee is an ex-detective whose marriage is breaking up. So when a young female student disappears without trace, she throws herself into the search. Meanwhile, the town’s beloved Rowzee Cayne has just discovered that she is terminally ill, and doesn’t want to burden her family and friends with the news.

Andee and Rowzee don't know it yet, but their journeys are going to help them uncover a secret. One that is going to affect them more than they could ever imagine.

Although I had heard of Susan Lewis I had never read any of her books mainly for the fact she has written so many that I didn't know where to start, but then I was offered a chance to read and review her latest release The Moment She Left and I was looking forward to discovering for myself what her books have to offer.

The storyline focuses on a large number of characters and I did find it took me a while to get to grips with who was who and what connection they had with the other characters. When Jessica goes missing with no trace leaving even the investigating officers baffled her family try with great difficulty to move on with their lives but the not knowing is tearing the family apart so they enlist the help of Andee who is an ex-detective to try and dig deeper. In the same town dear Rowzee has just discovered that she is terminally ill but she doesn't wish for her family to know. All the characters storylines gradually intertwine bring the storyline to a well rounded end.

I was really intrigued to find out how Jessica could literally just disappear without a trace and I never quite new if she was going to be found dead or alive or if she would even be found at all. I also loved Rowzee she was such a beloved older lady who was very caring and wise if somewhat rather stubborn too and her storyline had a very realistic feel to it 

The one thing that was missing for me though was the emotive writing style, I had no empathy for any of the characters which I feel was strange considering the different difficult and heartbreaking scenarios that the characters faced in the book, I am usually quite an emotive person and would find these situations would typically bring a lump to my throat or a tear to my eye but although I was hooked on the storyline it didn't bring any emotion out of me.

I am pleased that I have now tried one of this author books and I would like to pick up another now to see how they compare.

Hardback                Kindle

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