
Thursday 18 May 2017

The Last Piece of my Heart by Paige Toon

Meet Bridget, a successful travel journalist with ambitions to turn her quirky relationship blog into a novel. But, after numerous rejections from publishers, she accepts an alternative proposition: Nicole Dupre died leaving behind a bestselling novel and an incomplete sequel, and the family need someone to finish it. Bridget is just thankful to have her foot in the publishing door. But as she gets to know Nicole’s grieving family, and the woman behind the writing, Bridget’s priorities begin to change …

It is that exciting time of the year again when a new Paige Toon novel is released into the wild and bookworms get ready to race to the bookshops to get their copy and let me tell you her new novel The Last Piece of My Heart will not leave fans disappointed.

Our main character Bridget is a travel journalist who also has a relationship blog but when she gets an incredible opportunity to write the sequel to a bestselling book she jumps at the chance.

Author Nicole Dupre died leaving behind only mere notes for her sequel and her family are keen to have the sequel released but husband Charlie who is still grieving and looking after their baby daughter cannot bare to have Nicole’s books leave the house so there is only one option which is for Bridget to move to Cornwall to work from his home!

Can Bridget deliver a sequel that both the family and readers will be happy with and how will Charlie cope with having Bridget in the family home working on his dead wife’s book?

Once again Paige Toon captured my heart from the start of this book. Bridget was an easy character to love and her infectious humor and warmth shone through the pages and I could see that she would be the one to help Charlie with his grief. Charlie was a very creative character and a true gentleman too, he was still in the early stages of grief when we first met him but he was doing his best to raise their baby daughter.

The book focuses on loss and love which are both topics I love to find in books as in one instant your heart is being broken in two but then there is the uplifting and warming feel to a good romantic storyline too.

I loved the gentle wit that flowed between Bridget and Charlie, I looked forward to their Pizza nights when the pair seemed to be able to relax and humour each other. What really touched my heart though was when Bridget opened up to Charlie about her reasons for not having her own children and that in turn set a beautiful path of watching Bridget form such a beautiful relationship with April and this is what I will always remember from this book.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, although it didn’t knock my favourite off the top spot it was still such a beautiful and touching read.

Paperback                Kindle

1 comment:

  1. 5 stars rating is enough for me to convince me to read this book, thank you for sharing the review with us, going to get my copy soon
