
Friday, 30 March 2018

Million Love Songs by Carole Matthews

Today it is my stop on the Blog Tour for Million Love Songs by Carole Matthews.

I will be sharing my review for Million Love Songs and I will be sharing my favourite Love Songs with you.

  1. All Of Me by John Legend
  2. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
  3. How Long Will I Love you by Ellie Goulding
  4. A Thousand Years by Christina Perry
  5. At Last by Etta James
You can also check out Carole Matthew's favourite Love songs on Spotify 

Ruby Brown is ready for a change. She's single for the first time in years and she's going to dive into this brave new world with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. The last thing she's looking for is a serious relationship.
Mason represents everything Ruby wants right now: he's charming, smooth and perfect for some no-strings-attached fun. Joe on the other hand is kind and attractive, but comes with the sort of baggage Ruby wants to avoid: an annoyingly attractive ex-wife and two teenage children.
I am always eager to read a new release by Carole Matthews so when my copy of A Million Love Songs arrived I wasted no time and dived straight in.
Ruby Brown has recently divorced and is now taking time to change every part of her life. Ruby and friend Charlie are having fun and before long Charlie who is totally devoted to a certain member of Take That soon pulls Ruby in to become an uber fan! Where Charlie only has eyes for her Take That lover there is a guy or two who have their eyes set on Ruby but they are polar opposites but will she fall for either of them?
There were some steamy scenes in this book that brought great humour and shock to me as it was a step away from what we are used to in Carole’s romance scenes she takes Ruby right out of her comfort zone!
Ruby was a lovable if somewhat indecisive character but you can’t knock her for giving everything a try. Her friendship with Charlie felt so natural she wasn’t afraid to tell Ruby what she thought and at times she was there to support event after her advice was ignored just as a good friend should be. I was interested in Charlie’s love life just as much as I was Ruby’s.
This book although enjoyable wasn’t one of Carole’s strongest for me although this could be because I am not a major Take That fan ( I say as I sat humming A Million Love Songs each time I picked up the book) It just felt little more than an indecisive love triangle and it didn’t have the warmth and depth usually found with Carole’s previous books.
As ever the characters are so well developed which is something you can always rely on with Carole’s books and the romance flows through the pages. I had a feeling I knew who Ruby would end up with but I enjoyed watching events unfold as she made her choice.
This is a perfect quick read with short sharp chapters allowing you to pick up and put down without feeling you are missing out. I look forward to Carole Mathew’s next release.

Paperback                Kindle

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