
Sunday, 25 March 2018

Spring Blogger Event 2018

It is hard to believe it has been a year since I have attended a book publisher event but I can tell you I really have missed being amongst authors, publishers and bloggers so it was wonderful to be invited to The Books and the City Spring Blogger Event hosted by the wonderful SJ at the Simon and Schuster Offices which has had an amazing major revamp.

We were spoilt this year with not one not two but TEN yes 10 authors to talk to us about their new book babies which are released this year.

Each of the authors were asked some questions about their books and then they kindly read an extract of their books which if I wasn't tempted to read before I certainly was after I had heard a little snippet of them.

We heard from Victoria Walters, author of Random Acts of Kindness which is being released in four parts the first of which is currently FREE on Kindle. I have read part 1 and 2, I am so eager to read part 3 to see what happens to the three main characters next.

PART 3 is published 2nd April

Santa Montefiore

I am ashamed to say I have never read a book by Santa before ( I know this is disgraceful! ) Santa read from her upcoming release The Temptation of Gracie and she spoke to us about the settings of her books informing us that she prefers to set her books in the countryside where there is tranquillity and all the glorious smells. I will be trying this book and no doubt I will become hooked and want to work my way all through her back list.

This book is due for release on 12th July 2018

Penny Parkes

I often find it hard to adjust quickly to the real world once I have been absorbed by a book with such idyllic settings and believable characters it seems like Penny has the same difficulty when writing her books especially when browsing the property section of the paper and sees her characters houses for sale! Her latest release in the series is Best Practice and I can not wait to be back with these much loved characters and dishy Doctors!

Best Practice is available NOW!

Paige Toon

Ok surely I am not the only one who feels like she is talking to royalty when in the presence of Paige Toon! I adore this woman's books and I am so comfortable with her writing now I don't even read the synopsis I just jump right in. It was a real treat to hear Paige reading from her upcoming release Five Years From Now and we were also lucky enough to get a copy in our goody bags so I will be starting this as soon as I have finished my current read.

Five Years From Now is due to be published 17th May

Louise Candlish

Our House would not be my typical novel of choice but I have to admit my interest is piqued with this one after the little snippet that Louise read. This will also be my first read by this author so I am looking forward to trying this book.

Our House is due for release on the 5th April

Juliet Ashton

You can always rely on Juliet Ashton to get the room laughing out loud and this is why I absolutely love this woman! I have a copy of her upcoming release The Sunday Lunch Club on my shelves and now I have some more time on my hands I am looking forward to picking this one up as I know this is going to be a great humorous read.

The Sunday Lunch Club is due for release 19th April

Holly Hepburn

I love seeing Holly she really is a little ray of sunshine, she was asked if she was to open her own shop what would it be and she replied it would be making biscuits..... well not making the biscuits because that is hard tedious work but the decorating part I would be happy to do! We do not want to lose her to biscuits though as we love her books and her covers sure do call out to me too. Her 4th part of her Castle Court series is due for release on the 1st May 2018.

Heidi Swain

This is the second time I have met Heidi Swain and listening to her being interviewed and reading from her book you can see how her confidence has grown. Heidi is so thankful that she took the advice from fellow author Mandy Baggot and just started writing. It was thanks to the Digital Original opportunity that Heidi now graces our shelves so it just goes to show that if you put your heart and soul into writing your book there is a platform that can really help to give you that first step.

Sunshine and Sweet Peas in Nightingale Square is due for release 31st May

Catherine Isaac

Better know to us as Jane Costello but she felt that her new book You Me Everything should be published under a different name as it has a different feel to it compared to her previous books. I have now read this book and I adored it, it is such a tender read with a depth to the storyline and a delicate issue so I feel that it was the right decision to release it under a different name.
 You Me Everything is due for release 19th April

Anstey Harris

We then heard from a new author Anstey Harris whose book we will not be able to get our little hands on until next year but The Truths and Triumphs of Grace Atherton sounds like it will be a book worth waiting for.

I had such a wonderful evening, I have really missed being surrounded by people who have the same passion for books as me. Keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of months for my reviews of these wonderful books.

Which ones are you looking forward to picking up?

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