
Thursday, 17 May 2018

The Wish by Alex Brown

Sam Morgan knows he messed up with his wife Chrissie and daughter Holly – he wasn’t there when they needed him most, but now he’ll do anything to put his family back together again. Until then, he's back living in the picture-postcard village of Tindledale.
Jude Darling is coming home for good this time. She's taking over the antique shop in Tindledale, the place where she grew up and she's going to make sure she's there for her friend, Chrissie, and Goddaughter, Holly. They certainly need her right now.
As for Holly, there's only one thing she wants and it's not the sort of thing you can buy in a shop. She might be thirteen years old, but Holly still believes in wishes, and perhaps if she wishes hard enough, this one might come true…

Alex Brown is back and is whisking us back to the idyllic village of Tindledale in her latest release The Wish. The cover of this book is stunning and definitely my favourite cover of Alex’s books.
Sam has worked away from home for a long time now but it now looks like it could have cost him his marriage, determined to save his marriage her returns home to his wife Chrissie and his teenage daughter Holly but is it too little too late?
Holly only wants one thing for her Birthday and that is for her Mum and Dad to get back together but her mum is ruining everything.
Chrissie’s best friend Jude has been living in LA and has decided it is time to return to her roots in Tindledale to be there for her best friend and her dad Tony as well as opening up her own Antiques shop in the village.
I never tire of my visits to Tindledale in Alex Brown’s novels and I love how with each book we get a brief glimpse or mention at how the other characters from previous books are doing but the books are all stand alone’s although secretly when recommending to friends I do tell them to read them in publication order as the books are all such enjoyable and entertaining reads I want everyone to read them all and full in love with the characters and village Alex Brown creates.
The Wish has four central characters this time and this worked really well in this book as we get to hear direct from each character their thoughts and feelings on the situations that involve them all and it just goes to show a lot of things can be resolved if people were honest about their feelings and actually voiced their thoughts.
I loved all of the characters in this book and I wanted everyone to get their happy ending. Holly has diabetes and the concerns from family members, the strain it has on both Holly and her family and friends is portrayed really well in this book, this condition is on the rise and I think it is good to bring awareness of the effects of living with the condition.
The Wish is pure escapism with romance, friendship and long kept secrets that will leave you wanting to wrap the characters up in cotton wool. I loved this book and feel at a loss having to leave the characters and the village I adore behind. I do hope Alex takes us back again soon.

Paperback                 Kindle

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