
Saturday, 18 August 2018

Little Girl Lost by Carol Wyer

Her breath rose and fell in fearful gasps but it was too late. She could already see what she dreaded most. The back seat was empty.Her little girl was gone.

Abigail lives the perfect life with her doting husband and adorable baby Izzy. But someone knows a secret about Abigail and they want the truth to be told.

When Izzy is snatched from a carpark, it becomes a case for Detective Robyn Carter. Someone has been sending threatening messages to Abigail from an anonymous number. What is Abigail hiding? 

Robyn’s instincts tell her there’s a connection between Izzy’s abduction and two murders she is investigating. But the last time she acted on impulse her fiancĂ© was killed. To break this case and earn her place back on the force, she must learn to trust herself again – and fast. Robyn is on the hunt for a ruthless serial killer. And unless she gets to the twisted individual in time a little girl will die …

I downloaded Little Girl Lost after watching a live chat with the author Carol Wyer, who was talking about her new release but also spoke about what lead her to write the first in the Detective Robyn Carter crime thriller series and straight away my interest was piqued so I wasted no time in downloading the first book and I started Little Girl Lost that Evening and finished it the following morning I was completely absorbed in the storyline.
The book sets off at an incredibly quick pace and was sure action pact if somewhat disturbing and twisted and had me completely shocked and appalled by the events in the opening of the book that I wanted to stop reading but at the same time I wanted to see if justice was dealt. It sure was uncomfortable reading but boy did it make an impact.
There were some parts of the books which I figured out early on in the storyline but there were others that I assumed I had worked out and were obvious only for the author to take me down a completely different path to show me I was wrong! The author has a wonderful way of introducing you to so many different well rounded characters that you are concentrating on them all as an individual and so are too wrapped up in a way to see the little bread crumbs of clues that lead to the truth. The tension builds as the book progresses and as each tit bit of information is given suspicions soon start rising.
We know early on that Robyn has had a hard blow in her life with losing her fiancĂ© and she is now trying to move forward with her life and devote her time to her career. She has such a comforting and supportive shoulder to lean on in Ross who was actually my favourite character in this book and I loved that he managed to bring a little light to a deep and disturbing read. I have read a few books over the last year with a female DI who has her own problems that is shaping her character but I am pleased although it is mentioned in the book it didn’t take over the storyline making it all about her.
This book will definitely leave a mark on you and have you questioning your morals. I am thrilled I saw the live chat with the author otherwise I would probably have overlooked this book with it not being my typical genre but now I can not wait to read the next in the series.


1 comment:

  1. I am SO pleased you saw the chat and downloaded Little Girl Lost. What a review! You have plastered a wide smile on my face this morning. I love the comment about crumbs. I actually do that and wonder if I can blinker readers so much they miss the clues, so I was even happier to know I'd succeeded.
    Thank you for taking time to not only watch the interview but read the book and write this superb review. It means a heck of a lot to me.
