
Saturday, 25 August 2018

One Thousand Stars and You by Isabelle Broom

Alice is settling down. It might not be the adventurous life she once imagined, but more than anything she wants to make everyone happy - her steady boyfriend, her over-protective mother - even if it means a little part of her will always feel stifled.
Max is shaking things up. After a devastating injury, he is determined to prove himself. To find the man beyond the disability, to escape his smothering family and go on an adventure.
A trip to Sri Lanka is Alice's last hurrah - her chance to throw herself into the heat, chaos and colour of a place thousands of miles from home.
It's also the moment she meets Max.
Alice doesn't know it yet, but her whole life is about to change.
Max doesn't know it yet, but he's the one who's going to change it.

Isabelle Broom is back and this time she is showing us the sites of Sri Lanka in One Thousand Stars and You.

As best friends Alice, Maureen and Steph have their Big 30 looming they decide to spend their birthdays together in an unforgettable trip to Sri Lanka which Alice’s over protective partner Richard and her mum are not pleased about. Alice craves adventure and can not wait to discover what Sri Lanka has hidden but she finds more than she set out to find.

This was the first book by Isabelle Broom where I wasn’t chomping at the bit to get on a plane to the destination but I think this is because I felt more invested in the storyline and characters this time. It was almost a forbidden fruit romance that should have felt so wrong and yet was so right.

My favourite character was actually Max he was an admirable guy and I found his situation and daily challenges insightful (I don’t want to give anymore away). Alice was also a great character and I enjoyed watching her finally unravel and begin to find who she really is inside rather than who she is expected to be.

This is a beautiful written romance that is set in a stunning location following a journey of self discovery. Another whopper from Isabelle Broom.

Paperback               Kindle

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