
Monday 25 September 2023

Watching You by Lisa Jewell


You're back home after four years working abroad, new husband in tow.

You're keen to find a place of your own. But for now you're crashing in your big brother's spare room.

That's when you meet the man next door.

He's the head teacher at the local school. Twice your age. Extraordinarily attractive. You find yourself watching him.

All the time.

But you never dreamed that your innocent crush might become a deadly obsession.

Or that someone is watching you.

Watching You by Lisa Jewell has been on my kindle for some time now, I remember trying to read it when it first came out and struggling to settle into the pace of the book. I sat down this morning to try it again years later and have just this minute finished the last page and I am desperate to get my thoughts down straight away.

Newly married Joey has just moved in with her husband to her brother and sister in-laws house but she soon becomes infatuated with the local headteacher who lives only two doors down. Little does she know her every move is being watched.

This was certainly the right book wrong time when I read it before because put simply this is my favourite EVER book by Lisa Jewell! It did take a little patience again to get into the flow of the storyline and that is mainly due to the vast number of characters who we are introduced to but this is done on purpose, the author has been very clever in bombarding us with characters so we are distracted trying to keep up with what is going on with everyone in the book and also it throws so many suspects into the mix too so we are always kept in the dark.

Its strange I never actually liked any of the characters because I was suspicious of them all, they all had their own little quirks that tarnished their character so I never really trusted them but yet they created so much tension and intrigue that I couldn’t step away from this book.

The story did take an unexpected turn, I thought it was all going to be about Joey and her infatuation with Tom but we soon got lured down a darker twisted path and this was when my attention became truly piqued and the pace of the book quickened and all of the characters all suddenly felt real and I well and truly had the wool pulled over my eyes as I didn’t expect things to unravel the way they did.

A truly addictive, tense read that was completely unpredictable.

Kindle          Paperback

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