
Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Random Acts of Kindness by Victoria Walters

Welcome to Littlewood, a small town community with a big heart... 
Abbie has fled London and the humiliation of not being able to make rent after being made redundant. Louise, unlucky in love, has thrown herself into her career at the local hospital. And Eszter, who has travelled from Hungary with her daughter Zoe, hopes to fulfill her husband's dying wish... to reunite his family

I am so excited that Victoria Walters is back to bring us another book as I absolutely loved her debut The Second Love of My Life which in my opinion didn’t get the attention it deserved. Now she is back with Random Acts of Kindness which is being released as 4 parts which you all know I am not a fan of purely because of the fact I am greedy and impatient! However I wasn’t going to miss out on the chance to enjoy more of Victoria Walters writing so I was willing to put my greed to one side and download part one ( it helped knowing part two had already been released shh!)

The first part of this series is called Promises and we meet three characters who right from the get go I knew I was going to love. Abbie has just been made redundant, with no job and no money she can no longer afford to stay in London so she makes her way to a little town called Littlewood to stay with her sister Louise. Louise is looking forward to having her sister around for company as she has just found out some news that is breaking her heart all over again.

We then meet Eszter and her sweet little daughter Zoe who has made the journey to England after losing her husband and is now trying to fulfil his last wishes. Things are daunting arriving in a new country with a young girl in tow with no where to live and no job but it soon becomes apparent that this lovely little community will do all they can to help each other out and Eszter has already shown she will fit in after kindly finding Louise’s lost bag and returning it to her.

I could go on talking about the storyline but I don’t want to give too much away with it only being a small part of the storyline. Once again the author has created such a loveable group of character who all have their own personal struggles but she shows that just by trying to help others you can not only make their lives easier you also feel good for being able to help and sometimes that act can be repaid. 

I loved this opening part to this story and I can not wait to start part 2 which I am going to do as soon as I finish this review! I am looking forward to see how the women progress and what they achieve in the next part.

Get in QUICK as Part one is currently FREE on kindle! ( at time of review )

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a huge fan of books released in parts. But this sounds like a really good book. And it has such a cute cover!
