
Thursday, 1 March 2018

Random Acts of Kindness Part 2 by Victoria Walters

Welcome to Littlewood, a small town community with a big heart. Abbie's ex-boyfriend and colleague, Jack, has arrived back on the scene... Will she be lured back to London or has her heart taken root at Huntley Manor? 
Louise has promised to be kinder to herself, but after suffering one heartbreak too many, she isn't keen to try her luck again.... Can the handsome local vet convince her otherwise?
Eszter, who is over from Hungary with her daughter for the summer, has been met with nothing but kindness since she arrived in Littlewood, and now she and her daughter Zoe are all set to return the favour as Eszter's mother-in-law Anne finds herself with nowhere to stay... Eszter is determined to help Anne get back involved in the community after being alone for so long, but do they belong in Littlewood or will the three of them remain outsiders? 

As soon as I finished reading Part 1 of Random Acts of Kindness by Victoria Walters I instantly downloaded Part 2 eager to continue the ladies journey. If you haven’t read part 1 there is a little summery dropped into the storyline to get you on track with what happened to the women in the first part but you really must read part one as this was where you really warm to the characters and form that bond with them.
Eszter is becoming part of the community and is finally cracking her mother in-laws hard shell as we begin to find out more about her history. Louise still has her heart well protected and she is not about to drop the barriers any time soon. Abbie has enjoyed working away on plans to rescue Huntley Manor from financial ruin but after an unexpected phone call and visit opens another door for her will she see her plans through or will she be heading back to London?
I loved this part just as much as part 1. For me I felt like part one focused more on Abbie whereas part 2 we learn more about Eszter and her mother in-law so I am hoping that in part 3 we will see more of Louise’s journey. I can feel that we are approaching some big decision-making times for all three ladies and I know how I hope they are all going to pan out.
My only problem now is trying to find the patience to wait for the release of part 3, I for one will be counting down the days for the next instalment to ping onto my Kindle


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