
Sunday 7 January 2024

Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross


Eighteen-year-old Iris dreams that one day her writing will make a difference. A war between gods is raging, and she’s landed a prestigious job at the Oath Gazette.

But at home, she’s barely holding it together. Her brother is missing on the frontline. Her mother is lost in a haze of addiction. And each night Iris pours her heart out in letters to her brother.

Letters that will never be answered. Or so she thinks…

They’ve made their way into the hands of the last person Iris trusts: Roman Kitt. Her cold, unforgiving rival at the paper.

Drawn together by fate and magic, they form an unlikely connection. They say love conquers all… but can it triumph in a war between gods?

I saw Divine Rivals popping up on Socials so much last year but when I was watching peoples yearly reading wrap up this book constantly kept appearing on their top 5 books, as luck would have it when I went to read the synopsis I found it was only 99p on kindle that day so although I wasn’t sure it was my sort of read for that price I thought it was worth a try.

I am by no means a big Fantasy reader and so I was apprehensive reading this book but to my absolute surprise I loved this book and finished it in just over a day which is not something I achieve very often anymore. If like me you love your romance and if you like a splash of historical and are inquisitive about Fantasy then THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU to start!

The storyline follows a rivals to lover theme with our main characters Iris and Roman Kitt who are both battling it out for the promotion at Oath Gazette but as the storyline takes a twist after Iris finds her life taking a different path the pair soon are wrapped up in a War of the Gods.

Iris feels so mature for her 18 years and she is an easy character to love, she has already had her heart broken as her brother Forest has gone off to do his part in the war but with no communication, she has no way of knowing if he is safe. Left at home with her mum who has fallen off the rails she pushed herself to get a job to support them. She has a beautiful way with words and she is determined and focused too, rather than sitting and wallowing in situations she dusts herself off and gets up and goes again.

Roman Kitt is the perfect book boyfriend, he instantly puts your back up and has an air of arrogance and self-righteousness but before your eyes begins to unravel and grow as a character slowly earning your trust and then melting your heart.

I was gripped from start to finish with this book, it was romantic, exciting, thrilling and I can now see why this book was raved about so much and for me I think it deserves every ounce of the praise it has received. It was not what I was expecting at all but what a wonderful surprise this turned out to be.

This is the first of two books in the Letters of Enchantment series by author Rebecca Ross and I am desperate to read the second book now to find out what on earth is going to happen next as the ending of Divine Rivals has left me on a big cliff hanger and I feel like the Fantasy element is starting to take a bigger part in the storyline. This is why I feel this book is a great start for romance lovers and even those who like historical fiction too because this is more a romance with a sprinkling of fantasy to get you comfortable and lure you in.

Available to buy HERE!

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