
Friday 5 January 2024

One Year After You by Shari Low


For forty years the fabulous Odette Devine has been a beloved matriarchal actress on Scotland’s longest-running TV show.
Today she is broken, betrayed, and desperate to find out if this is her payback for a lie she told forty years ago.

A year ago today, Tress Walker’s husband was killed in a car accident, on the same day she gave birth to their baby. Reeling from the discovery that he was with his mistress, Tress has to choose whether to protect her fragile heart or open it to love again.

Noah Clark was devastated to discover his wife and his best friend were having an affair. Now the love of his life is asking for another chance to make their marriage work. But can there ever be a way back, once the trust is broken?

Noah’s sister Keli Clark has recently been ghosted by the man she loves. When a shocking message from a complete stranger reveals the reason why, Keli will have to decide whether to forgive, forget, or to make sure he pays.

Twenty-four hours. Four shocking secrets. One tumultuous tale of love, loss and second chances.

I have to hold my hands up and say that until I began to schedule my review in for One Year After You and find a link for you I didn’t know that it was actually a sequel to One Day With You but what I will say is that this can absolutely be read as a standalone because at no time did I feel like I was missing something.

This book follows those who are left behind to pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives after a devastating crash a year ago took the life of not only a bestfriend, a dad but a husband too whilst also ripping apart another marriage and friendship when infidelity was discovered. Adjusting to this new life and learning to trust again

The storyline follows a 24 hour period and alongside this storyline of loss are weaved many other characters who are all linked to each other in this big web of connection who all have something going on in their lives from infidelity to hidden secrets looking set to come out the woodwork and even touching on loneliness and regret too. There are so many characters and so much happening it felt like an episode of our favourite soaps and yet the author was so clever to tie each of the storylines into another character so that nothing felt like it shouldn’t have been there.

I loved all the drama that was going on, there was such a buzz of activity there was no safe place to put this book down because there was always something happening and I wanted to see what was going to happen next. One minute you had a lump in your throat from emotion the next adrenalin pumping when a dose of karma was given.

Having lost my own husband it was Daisy’s character and story that I was drawn to the most because in part I could relate to her healing journey and the uncomfortable situations of “moving on” with someone new when all you have ever known is your husband and learning to trust again is not something that comes naturally or easy. I was holding out so much hope for her that she would find the happiness and a new start that she deserved.

What I can 100% say is that having finished this book and loving each and every moment I am now desperate to go back and read One Day with You.

Buy Your Copy Here

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