The story follows three actresses Rose, Calypso and Sapphira who have all been signed to shoot a new film in Italy. We soon get to know each of the actresses, and each of them have their own personal problems. Youngest of the three is Calypso who has been pushed from film roll to film roll by her manager who also happened to be her mum, but is this really Calypso's dream or is her mum living her dreams through Calypso. I loved how real Calypso's character felt and how although she has done previous film work she didn't come across as a diva.
Rose is leading the single life after coming out from an unhappy marriage but she will not let anyone close again, and as much as she wants children she feels as though her time is up. I actually found that Rose was my favourite character at times I forgot that she was an actress as she felt very down to earth.
Sapphira has a big secret which she has been carrying with her for years but it looks as though her secret has finally been found out. Out of the three characters I found it took me longer for Sapphira to grow on me. She was exactly what I expected an actress who had been in the industry for years to be like and I really didn't think I was going to like her but half way through the book my opinion of her changed and it was great to see the change in her character too.
The story got off to a great, quick start and had my attention gripped from the first few pages. As we go along in the book the chapters alternate between each of the characters so we really get to know each of the characters individually.
I loved how each of the additional characters were developed well as I usually find with books who have a large amount of characters like this the characters seem to be skimmed over so you struggle to remember who was who and who was doing what but this wasn't the case with The Perfect Location.
The story covers a number of issues such as drugs and abuse but the author manages to bring these issues into the storyline without it becoming to deep and depressing. There was so much going on between the pages it made it impossible to put down.
The way the author tied the ending of the book up was perfect as we know how each of the characters end up so we are not left guessing.
This is well worth picking up and a definite book to take away on your holidays this year. I can not wait to read more work from this author
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