Friday 22 September 2023

I Heart Forever by Lindsey Kelk


A wedding in Manhattan…and someone’s keeping a secret.

The day her husband Alex picks up a backpack and goes travelling, Angela Clark swears she’ll stay out of trouble. But from trying to keep a secret from her best friend to accidentally flirting with her brand new boss at the fashion magazine where she works, nothing goes according to plan.

Then suddenly there’s another big secret Angela’s got to keep – and the man she loves is still thousands of miles away. As her BFF’s wedding looms, Angela is going to need her friends by her side. Her old life is set to change forever.

Those of you who follow my socials will likely know that I have set myself a challenge to try and make a dent in my backlog of Netgalley books. With two more needed to complete my challenge it was an easy pick for me when I spied a Lindsey Kelk novel on the list as I absolutely adore her books and this one is I Heart Forever from one of my favourite series the I Heart Series.

Ok I am pretty certain I did actually read this and must have forgotten or misplaced my review because as I made my way through the pages things began to become familiar to me and began predicting what was going to happen next so either I have gained psychic abilities or my memory was kicking in!

However, despite the familiarity of the book I absolutely loved this book and devoured it in a day, being back with the loveable Angela and Jenny was like being reunited with old friends and the manic, crazy lives they lead provided laughs all the way. I did miss Alex in this book as he is missing for the majority of it but there was more than enough going on to still hold my interest from start to end.

As ever Angela and Jenny are in life changing situations that many of us can relate to, just maybe in a less frantic way! We are routing for them and hoping that everything works out in their favour because over the years we have formed a strong bond with these characters and ultimately, we want them to get their happy ever afters. This book takes our characters through two big milestones in life that will change their lives.

We still have the glitz and glamour in this modern lifestyle but we also have the reality of life’s hurdles thrown into the mix. If anyone has yet to read a book from this series (seriously I don’t think I have met a reader yet who hasn’t) then you really are missing out because these characters really leave their mark. Fans of Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic series or Paige Toon Johnny Be Good books will absolutely adore this series and I for one wish I could go back and start them all for the first time again.

Another fabulous witty frenzied read from Lindsey Kelk that gets a thumbs up from me.

Kindle                 Paperback

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