Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Marriage Mender by Linda Green

Alison is a marriage mender. Her job is to help couples who fear they have reached the end of the line. But the trouble with spending your time sorting out other people's problems is that you tend to take your eye off your own. Even when her husband's ex Lydia arrives on the doorstep demanding to see her son, Alison thinks she can handle it. But what Alison doesn't realise is that Lydia is the one person who has the ability to destroy their happy family. And sometimes the cracks can run so deep that even a marriage mender can't repair them.

I discovered author Linda Green last year when I picked up a copy of The Mummyfesto and I really enjoyed that book so I couldn’t wait for a new release by this author and after seeing the gorgeous, classy looking cover for The Marriage Mender I had to put this to the top of my TBR pile.

Alison works as a marriage mender but she didn’t see the trouble coming for her own marriage. Their relationship is put under pressure when Alison’s Husband Chris’s ex Lydia turns up wanting to see her son who she walked out on as a baby. Will the couple’s relationship be able to survive this disruption to their perfect family life or will this be one marriage Alison can’t fix.

Alison and Chris are both loveable characters and are really good together so I found myself really hoping that their relationship would survive everything that is threatening to break it. I also loved little Matilda, I don’t usually warm to children in books because I find the baby talk annoying but this wasn’t the case with Matilda, I found she brought a touch of humour to the heartfelt storyline.

This book was an enjoyable, easy read which covered a lot of delicate subjects and there are many secrets that are kept from each of the characters which we find out about along the way. I did find the counselling sessions a bit pointless at first but that was until I found out that they are weaved into the storyline for an important reason and it all comes together in the end.

My only small disappointment with this book was I felt the ending was a little abrupt and rushed. I had become so immersed in the storyline and found the pace of the book was perfect then all of a sudden it was over. We weren’t left on a cliff hanger thankfully but it just felt more like the ending had been summarised.

This was a great read and the author manages to write about troubled relationships really well making them all feel realistic. I will definitely pick up more books by this author in the future and I definitely recommend this one to add to your TBR piles.

kindle                        Paperback

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